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What Your Child Gains From Us

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What Your Child Gains From Us

  • Academic Excellence & Vocational Excellence.
  • Physical and mental fitness, emotional balance, culture and tradition.
  • Creative Thinking, Positive Thinking and clarity in thoughts, words and deeds.
  • Self-confidence, Self-awareness, Self-discipline, Self-help & Self-control.
  • Truthfulness, Kindness, Friendliness, Shoring and Co-operation, Courage to accept failure and Confidence to fight, Success, willingness to shoulder responsibilities.
  • Leadership quality, Selfless Service.
  • Value of self, parents, teachers, society in which he/she lives and hard work.
  • Value for money, time, life and everything that is necessary for a comfortable living.
  • Respect for the religious faith of others.
  • Boldness, dynamism, perseverance, endeavor fearlessness & courage.
  • Public speaking, English speaking.

Ignite the path to a brighter and better future by enrolling in our school for a transformative educational experience.