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Aims & Objectives

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The primary aim of Sun Rays School is to import sound formation of mental, moral, social, spiritual and physical based on the Principle of human values to all admitted in this institution.

  • It is our first duty to promote all round development of the student and help them grow into mature and responsible members of society
  • To help unlock the source and force of innate spiritual vitality in every young entrant
  • To inculcate a sense of devotion, duty, discipline, proper values and national integration amongst the students from the basic stage.
  • To develop the sense of healthy co-operative competition, both in class as wellas outside, to enable the students to build up character to face the future challenge. A sprit of service to fellow human beings.
  • To help in physical growth and proficiency in games. Qualities of leadership through active participation in games and co-curricular activities especially social work.
  • To foster in them, though instruction and practice, academic, excellence, clean and sound health and habits, a feeling of "oneness" patriotism, social awareness and service mindedness, as well as confidence and the school pride in their cultural heritage.
  • Eloquence in the art of expression so that they can effectively communicate the ideas acquired.
  • In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives an effort is made to expose the pupils to a variety of situation in the pupils sitting and if needed, guide him to face the challenges.

The school is co-educational and organised in three sections:-

Elementary Section
Nursery, Lower Kinder Garten & Upper Kinder Garten.The syllabus is powered by LEAD.

Primary Section
Classes I to VI based on C.B.S.E syllabus.The syllabus is powered by LEAD.

Senior Secondary Section
Class VII to X based on Jharkhand Secondary Education.

All classes are held in the spacious school building..

Ignite the path to a brighter and better future by enrolling in our school for a transformative educational experience.