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School Fees

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School Fees

  • The school tuition fee, hostel fee is chargeable for twelve calendar months (monthly or bimonthly as the case may be) and shall be paid by the 20th of every month.
  • No reduction will be made for holidays or broken periods.
  • Students whose fees are overdue may be barred from appearing at an examination and are liable to have their names struck off the rolls, if dues are not paid by the expiry of two months. Re-admission will be done on payment ef arrears and admission fee afresh. All dues must be paid up before each terminal examination, however early in the month as it may be.
  • All dues must be paid before school closes for any vacation.
  • Fees for computer & Music Education will be charged separately for twelve months of the session.

Ignite the path to a brighter and better future by enrolling in our school for a transformative educational experience.