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Admission Withdrawal & Dismissal

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Admission Withdrawal & Dismissal

  • This prospectus contains one admission form which is available on payment of the registration fees
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to fill in the admission form with utmom accuracy. Date of birth once entered cannot be changed. Birth certificate from the appropriate authority must be submitted.
  • The following categories of pupils may be required to be withdrawn from the school

    (1) Those who fail to show satisfactory progress and are unwilling or unable to benefit from the educational programme of the school.
    (ii) Those whose fees are in arrear for more than two consecutive months.
    (iii) Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, bad conduct or sickness liable to be injurious to other students, justify dismissal.
    iv) The Principal can, without assigning any reason, ask a parent/guardian to withdraw his ward from the school, should be consider the boy's / girl's conduct, behaviour or influence to be in any way detrimental to the interest of the school. Students who are absent from the school without sufficient reasons for more than a month will also be withdrawn.

  • Transfer or school leaving certificate and Progress Report shall not be issued until all dues are paid. Duplicate copies of such certificates are not issued. In special cases, such certificates are issued after verification and on payment of Rs. 100/- as duplicate certificate fee.

Ignite the path to a brighter and better future by enrolling in our school for a transformative educational experience.