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Expectation From Parents / Guardians

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Expectation From Parents / Guardians

  • Parents are expected to attend the Parents-Teachers meeting without fail to know the performance of their child and co-operate in bringing necessary positive developments in the students.
  • Parents are expected to encourage their children to take part in activities conducted by the school.
  • Parents know their children’s nature better than the school management. Therefore they have to alert in monitoring the daily activities and performance of their children.
  • Whenever the school demands the presence of parents they have to treat the notice seriously and immediately report to the school.
  • In case of emergency the parents may visit the school on fixing the appointment over the phone.
  • Parents are not allowed to meet the teachers and their children during school teaching hours.
  • Payment of fee should be on time.
  • Parents may avail the transport facilities provided by school to send their ward to school.
  • Students are allowed to come to school by plodding by cycle, by toto, auto and by school bus or van.
  • Do not encourage your ward to, scooty alone to come to school.

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