• For your question
  • +91-9006981628
  • info@sunraysacademy.com



  • At the time of Admission you have to deposit the following documents:-
  • (i) Transfer certificate (ii) Character certificate (iii) Mark sheet and (iv) Birth certificate.

  • A Medical certificate regarding general health from a registered practitioner.
  • Three passport size photographs.

No student who is under the sentence of rustication or is Expelled from any school/ Board or is debarred from appearing at the examination for whatever reasons by any school/Board shall not be admitted to any class in the school.

No student shall be admitted or promoted to any subsequent higher class in the school unless he has completed the regular course of study of the class to which he was admitted at the beginning of the academic session and has passed the Examination, at the end of the concerned academic school, qualifying him/her for promotion to the next higher class.

Ignite the path to a brighter and better future by enrolling in our school for a transformative educational experience.